Membership with the Music Teachers Association of Clark County (MTACC) entitles you to participate in association sponsored events for teachers and students. Members of MTACC are also members of our parent groups, the Washington State Music Teachers Association (WSMTA) and the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA). As a member of the MTACC, you receive the WSMTA newsletter The Clarion, MTNA's bi-monthly publication The American Music Teacher, and inclusion on the members page of the MTACC website.

Membership in MTACC provides you with:
Association with others who share your profession
Career and professional development
Discounts with major retailers, such as Office Max and Avis
Networking opportunities
Opportunities for continuing education
Opportunity for MTNA National Certification
Peer recognition
Relevant discussions, such as music technology and business management
The membership year is from July 1st to June 30th. Submit dues to MTNA by August 1st in order to be included on the MTACC Membership Roster.
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