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In the theatre

Musical Theatre Festival

Historically held in Fall, this festival is organized in a master class format featuring music from the Musical Theatre genre.  Students experience performances of similar levels and a master teacher works with each student individually.  Students may opt to enter competitively for Winner and Honorable Mention placements per grade division.

Open to students studying voice.

Event Details

Event Date | November 23-24, 2024

Registration Deadline | November 1, 2024

Location | Fries Auditorium, WA State School for the Blind

Register students online.  Mail a check made payable to MTACC to the Festival Chair within one week with registration fees.  Print Adjudication Sheets for each student.

Opera Singer

Meet the Visiting Artists

Our Visiting Artists are highly trained, vetted, and passionate about community music education.  They love what they do and do what they love!

Hailed as a “natural, most charming” performer, mezzo-soprano Sarah Maines’ favorite roles include Margaret in The Light in the Piazza, Claudia in Nine, and Maurya in Riders to the Sea. Dr. Maines is a member of the Portland Opera Chorus, voice faculty at the University of Portland and Reed College, and served on the Cascade Chapter board of the National Association of Teachers of Singing for seven years. She frequently performs with Portland companies and ensembles such as Fear No Music, Resonance Ensemble, Broadway Rose Theatre, Lakewood Theatre, and Mocks Crest Opera. As a practicing singing voice specialist, Dr. Maines administers voice habilitation to singers referred by Dr. James Thomas and area laryngologists and speech-language pathologists. A Lessac-Madsen and Casper-Stone Confidential Flow Therapy Clinical Provider, she is certified in Contemporary Commercial Music; the LoVetri Method and completed training in transgender and non-binary voice pedagogy with Liz Jackson Hearns of The Voice Lab. Dr. Maines holds a BA in music from Berea College and MM and DMA degrees in voice pedagogy from Shenandoah Conservatory. She is a published researcher who presented at the Voice Foundation Annual Symposium and the Pan-European Voice Conference and frequently lectures on vocal health, pathology, and function. Dr. Maines previously served on the voice faculty at the Shenandoah Conservatory Arts Academy, Patrick Henry College, and Trinity Washington University. She lives in Portland.

Festival Chairs

Have questions about the Musical Theatre Festival?  We have answers!

Festival Guidlines

Festival Guidelines

  • Festival hours are Saturday 9am-5pm

  • Teachers registering three or more students will be expected to assist with monitoring sessions

Registration Guidelines

  • All registrations to be submitted online

  • Please input your student's full name properly and correctly, as participation certificates will be printed using this information

  • Please input all repertoire information, including catalog number and key

  • All participants may enter the festival as competitive or non-competitive.  Memorization is required for competitive entries.  When entering the festival as non-competitive, the participant will not be considered for award placement.

  • Please mail checks made payable to MTACC to the Treasurer within one week of registration

Student Divisions

  • Please adhere to the following performance times: 

    • Children (K-3) | $20,  8 min (max 3 min performance time)

    • Lower Youth (Grades 4-5) | $25, 10 min (max 4 min performance time)

    • Upper Youth (Grades 6-8) | $25, 12 min (max 5 min performance time)

    • Lower High (Grades 9-10) | $30, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)

    • Upper High (Grades 11-12) | $30, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)

    • Collegiate | $30, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)

    • Recreational (19+) | $30, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)

    • Ensembles | $40, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)

  • An additional 5 minutes may be purchased for $8​

  • Students may perform up to two pieces from the same collection, as long as playing time does not exceed the maximum performance time (we recommend purchasing additional time to accommodate)

Student Eligibility

  • Student must have studied with a current MTACC teacher for a minimum of 6 months

  • If the student studies with more than one teacher, both teachers' names must be entered on the registration form

Teacher Eligibility

  • Teacher must be an MTACC member in good standing OR pay the non-member rate of $65 plus student fees

  • Teacher must be available to monitor for at least one session during the Festival

  • The Festival is run in a master class format.  The Visiting Artist will work with each student immediately following their performance

  • The Visiting Artist will award each group with a Winner (medal) and Honorable Mention (ribbon).  The total number of awarded participants is at the judge's discretion

  • All participants will receive a certificate at the end of their session

  • Non-piano participants must provide his/her own accompanist

  • Please respect everyone's privacy.  No recordings (audio, video, or photography) will be permitted during the Festival


  • The Visiting Artist's decisions are final and he/she is not to discuss the results with anyone

  • Teachers are not allowed to ask the judge on the final results

  • The Visiting Artist will notify the Festival Chair with the award results at the end of the Festival

  • If teacher, student, or parent contact the judge regarding the final results, the participant will be disqualified

  • The Festival Chair will notify the teachers of results via email by Wednesday after the Festival.  Teachers must make arrangements to pick up the awards from the Festival Chair within two weeks after the Festival

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