Festival Mission​
To provide students a performance opportunity focusing on contemporary popular, rock, or jazz musical styles
To provide impactful feedback towards this style of music
To pursue inclusivity in American music and people
Festival Guidelines
Festival hours are Saturday 9am-5pm
Teachers registering three or more students will be expected to assist with monitoring sessions
Registration Guidelines
All registrations to be submitted online
Please input your student's full name properly and correctly, as participation certificates will be printed using this information
Please input all repertoire information, including composer and original performing artist
All participants may enter the festival as competitive or non-competitive. Memorization is required for competitive entries. When entering the festival as non-competitive, the participate will not be considered for award placement.
Please mail checks made payable to MTACC to the Treasurer within one week of registration
Student Divisions
Please adhere to the following performance times: ​​
Children (Grades K-3) | $25, 8 min (max 3 min performance time)
Lower Youth (Grades 4-5) | $30, 10 min (max 4 min performance time)
Upper Youth (Grades 6-8) | $35, 12 min (max 5 min performance time)
Lower High (Grades 9-10) | $40, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)
Upper High (Grades 11-12) | $40, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)
Collegiate | $40, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)
Recreational (19+) | $40, 15 min (max 6 min performance time)
Small Ensembles (2-4 players) | $60, 20 min (max 6 min performance time)
Large Ensembles (5+ players) | $100, 20 min (max 6 min performance time)​
An additional 5 minutes may be purchased for $8​
Non-members may register with an additional $65 registration fee
Student Eligibility​
Student must have studied with a current MTACC teacher for a minimum of 6 months
If the student studies with more than one teacher, both teachers' names must be entered on the registration form
Non-piano participants must provide his/her own accompanist or accompanying track
Repertoire choices may include the following:
A solo work, whether notated, student arranged, or improvised​
A solo song, played or sung to an accompaniment track (track must be provided on a playback device with an 1/8" jack out)
A collaborative song, played or sung, with multiple instruments
Students must provide their own instrument, except for a drum kit, acoustic piano, or microphone. A keyboard is optional, but a Nord Stage 3 will be provided. A/V accommodations include standard 1/4" or XLR jack plugs. Technical accommodations include:​
A small drum kit​
A bass amp
A guitar amp
A keyboard
A piano
Up to two SM-58 microphones for vocalists
Up to two SM-57 microphones for auxiliary instruments (such as violins, flutes, saxophones, etc)
Teacher Eligibility
Teacher must be an MTACC member in good standing OR pay the non-member rate of $65 plus student fees
Teacher must be available to monitor for at least one session during the Festival
The Festival is run in a master class format. The Visiting Artist will work with each student immediately following their performance
The Visiting Artist will award each group with a "Best of" Winner and Honorable Mention. The total number of awarded participants is at the judge's discretion
"Best of" categories: Best Solo Performance, Best Ensemble Performance, Best Stage Presence, Best Creativity, Best Groove, Most Convincing Performance
All participants will receive a certificate at the end of their session
Please respect everyone's privacy. No recordings (audio, video, or photography) will be permitted during the Festival
The Visiting Artist's decisions are final and he/she is not to discuss the results with anyone
Teachers are not allowed to ask the judge on the final results
The Visiting Artist will notify the Festival Chair with the award results at the end of the Festival
If teacher, student, or parent contact the judge regarding the final results, the participant will be disqualified
The Festival Chair will notify the teachers of results via email by Wednesday after the Festival. Teachers must make arrangements to pick up the awards from the Festival Chair within two weeks after the Festival